The Right Care Following Your Auto Accident

Welcome to your new source for injury care and clinical based rehab!

Accident and Injury Care is Seattle’s go to clinic for post injury treatment that combines chiropractic, massage, and corrective exercise all in one location. Our Seattle location contains a private, in clinic rehab room where you are taught foundational movements and exercises in addition to allowing our patients access to a 7500 sq ft gym to proceed with strength and conditioning during their recovery. What this combination means, is that you as a patient not only get access to our chiropractors and massage therapists during your visits, but also trainers with specialized certifications to assist you in learning rehabilitation exercises in the clinic and on a gym floor. Our goal is to not only help you heal from your injuries, but provide you with the tools to maintain your health throughout your life.

Accident and Injury Care, Chiropractic and Massage in Seattle

personal training and fitness rehab gym seattle

Our clinic at 1916 23rd Ave South in Seattle, works in conjunction with a 7500 sq foot gym space. Patient’s in this location can begin their clinical rehab in a dedicated space within the clinic and can be brought into the gym space for more advanced exercises when appropriate. Working in conjunction with a gym space allows patients to transition into that setting where they can maintain their own health and wellness through fitness.